Village of River Hills
Monday - Friday 9AM - 5PM

Board Of Trustees Meeting Minutes 07/20/16

Wednesday, July 20, 2016 7:00 Pm
Meeting Minutes

1. ROLL CALL : was answered by Village President Bob Brunner; Trustees Bill Walker, David Fritz , Peggy Russo, Kurt Glaisner, and Peter Kingwill. Trustee Stephen Anderson absent. Also present were Chris Lear, Village Manager; Sgt Gaynor, Police Representative; and Bill Dineen, Village Attorney.

2. CPR TRAINING UPDATE – NORTH SHORE FIRE DEPARTMENT Members of the North Shore Fire Department gave a presentation on current day CPR methods.

3. THE AGENDA: Motion by Kingwill/Russo to approve. Motion carried unanimously.

4. VILLAGE BOARD MINUTES OF MAY 18, 2016: Motion by Walker/Fritz to approve. Motion carried unanimously.

5. VOUCHER LIST: Motion by Walker/Fritz to approve. Motion carried unanimously.

6. REPORT BY VILLAGE PRESIDENT President Brunner spoke about financial markets and of how interest rates are very low at this time. He expressed concern for our Village Engineer Mustafa Emir, given the recent upheaval in Turkey.

7. REPORT OF VILLAGE MANAGER/CLERK/TREASURER Lear informed the Board that Tina Wagner will be attending the September Board meeting to discuss the health insurance plan renewal. He also updated the Board on our recent enforcement efforts for streambank restoration at 1777 W. Bradley Road. He distributed a handout from Anne Vogel.


b. POLICE DEPARTMENT REPORT Sgt. Gaynor reported on activity being high but within normal limits given the time of year. He also announced the hiring of Robert Wilson, his starting date being August 1, 2016.


8. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON MATTERS OTHER THAN AGENDA ITEMS Bob Chernow, a former River Hills resident, spoke about property assessment at Milwaukee Country Club. He plans to write future articles on the topic for the newspaper.


a. Village Engineer Mustafa Emir’s presence and update on resident property update concerns
b. Joe Murry’s presence on possible lowering of interest rates on Village loans
c. Trustee Glaisner’s update on possible North Shore Library Project

10. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON APPOINTING PAUL GORDON TO BOARD OF REVIEW: Motion by Fritz/Kingwill to approve. Motion carried unanimously.

11. APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION NO. 2016-10 TO ESTABLISH A FUND BALANCE POLICY: Manager Lear informed the Board this resolution was recommended by our auditors and accountant in order to be in compliance with GASB No. 54. Motion by Kingwill/Glaisner to approve. Motion carried unanimously.

12. APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION NO. 2016-04 INTERNATIONAL MIGATORY BIRD AND ARBOR DAY: Motion by Kingwill/Walker to approve. Motion carried unanimously.

13. APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05 THANKING ANNE MEYER/KATHY GOMEZ: President Brunner stated his appreciation for the sincere and dedicated work of Anne Meyer and Kathy Gomez, who filled in for Stephanie Janz and Chris Lear while they were away at training. Motion by Walker/Kingwill to approve. Motion carried unanimously.

14. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON ORDINANCE NO. 528 REPRESENTATIONON THE NORTH SHORE HEALTH DEPARTMENT BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Attorney Dineen stated in the past our joint health department has changed its requirements and term of membership. He recommended this ordinance stating it reflects the most recent requirements of our health department agreement. Motion by Fritz/Glaisner to approve. Motion carried unanimously.

15. ADJOURNMENT: Motion by Russo/Fritz to approve. Motion carried unanimously.