Brush Pickup Information
One pile per Month per resident: approximately 6’x6’x20′ max size. Larger piles will be picked up and the resident will be charged a fee for the extra amount only.
Please see definition of “Contractor” at bottom of page.
Brush is picked up once a month on the Wednesday (June through August) Thursday (rest of year) of your section’s week. Section map link is next to the schedule below. Occasionally, due to heavy volumes and/or Holidays, your pick up day may be early or late a day or two.
Brush may be placed in the “road right-of-way” during the months of April through November only. Please be considerate of your neighbors’ by placing your materials in the row only during the week prior to your pickup.
Brush piles placed in the “road right-of-way” at other times, as well as any “Non-Conforming Material”, is not picked up by the department automatically. If they must be removed or the property owner requests they be removed the property owner will be billed for the pick-up. (Labor, equipment, dump fees, etc…will be applied)
Residents may request “Special Brush Pick up” Call DPW @ 414-352-0080
Conforming Brush
(Tree branches)
- Chippable materials placed adjacent to the street, in front of your own property, prior to the Thursday of the appropriate week of pick up.
- April through November, “ONLY”.
Owner, Occupant or Caretaker produced - Branches – 6″ in diameter or less
- Maximum size of pile – 6′ X 6′ X 20′
- Branches placed parallel to each other with cut ends at same end of pile.
Non-Conforming Brush
(Leaves, Grass clippings, Debris rakings, Garden debris, Flowers, Noxious/Invasive plants, Dirt, Lumber, Fence posts, Gravel, Stones, Rocks and other materials incapable of being put through chipper!)
- Brush placed in the road right-of-way other than between April through November prior to the appropriate Thursday.
- Contractor produced
- Branches, limb or trunk wood – larger than 6″ in diameter
- Brush placed within 20′ of utility poles or boxes.
- Brush placed under electrical or cable wires.
- In or on the street
Pick up normally starts on Wednesday (June through August) Thursday (rest of year) Thursdays unless otherwise noted.
Section 1 starts on the first Wednesday (June through August) Thursday (rest of year) of the month
Section 2 starts on the second Wednesday (June through August) Thursday (rest of year) of the month
Section 3 starts on the third Wednesday (June through August) Thursday (rest of year) of the month
Section 4 starts on the fourth Wednesday (June through August) Thursday (rest of year) of the month
To see what section you are in,
Dates for 2024
April 4, 11, 18, 25
May 2, 9, 16, 23
June 5, 12, 19, 26
July 3, 10, 17, 24
August 7, 14, 21, 28
September 5, 12, 19, 26
October 3, 10, 17, 24
November 7, 14, 21, 26 (Tuesday) – Brush Pick Up program ends November 27th
Residents may request “Special Brush Pick up”
Brush pick up at other than normal times or during the months of December, January, February, and March usually on Fridays after regular route is finished. Call DPW @ 414-352-0080
Owner or Occupant – Head of household and immediate family members living at that address, or the owner of the property.
Contractor – Any person hired to do yard work for the owner or occupant, other than the caretaker.
Caretaker – Person employed by the owner or occupant, provided that he or she does not perform lawn, yard care or tree trimming services for any other person or persons.