If you would like to pay your citation in person the police department is located at 7650 N Pheasant Ln, River Hills, WI 53217. The entrance is on the East side of the Village Hall building. Office hours are Monday thru Friday from 8 am to 4 pm. If you would like to pay your citation over the phone please call (888) 604-7888 (credit card transactions will be assessed a fee). If you would like to pay your citation through our website just select the “Click to Pay Now” button below and it will redirect you to our credit card system website. (a fee will be applied)
Municipal court dates for 2024
- January 31st
- February 28th
- March 19th (Tuesday)
- April 24th
- May 29th
- June 12th
- July 24th
- August 28th
- September 25th
- October 30th
- November 25th (Monday)
- December 18th
Questions or problems please call 414-247-2311 or email kminikel@vil.river-hills.wi.us