Village Manager/Clerk/Treasurer

Tammy LaBorde

Deputy Clerk / Treasurer


Department of Public Works Superintendent

Craig Schroeder


Nick DePalma

(Please contact Nick directly if you have a question or concern about the current assessment of your property)

Police Department

Chief Michael Gaynor

Lieutenant Chris Malek

Municipal Court Clerk

Kellie Minikel

Building Inspection


(Please contact directly if you have a question about codes, requirements, or scheduling of an inspection.  Contact Village Hall if you have a permit fee question)

Village Hall Hours of Operation

Monday thru Friday 9am until 5pm

Phone:  414-352-8213

Address: 7650 N Pheasant Ln, River Hills, WI 53217

Department of Public Works Hours of Operation

Monday thru Friday 7am until 3pm (Summer Hours 6am until 4pm Monday thru Thursday – June 3, 2024 thru Aug. 31, 2024)

Phone:  414-352-0080

Police Hours of Operation

Monday thru Friday 8am until 4pm

Phone:  414-247-2302

If you would like to submit a complaint about your local government or about an incident happening in your neighborhood; please fill out the form and email it to the Village Manager. – Complaint Form