Board of Appeals Meeting Minutes 06/21/2016

1. Roll Call: was answered at 4:00 Chairman Steven Spector and members David Melnick, Don Daugherty, Rosalie Gellman and Karen Plunkett. Chairman Spector confirmed that a quorum had been met. Also present were Village Manager Chris Lear, architect Jeremy Hartline, of Auchter Construction and neighbor Tim Murphy, 2000 W. Dean Road.

2. The Agenda: The notice and agenda were approved as published and posted.

3. The appeal of Miriam Abele, 1900 W. Dean Road regarding the Building Inspector’s denial of a building permit application for construction of a pool house because the structure would be closer than 75 feet from the side yard setback in violation of Section 7.030 of the Village of River Hills Ordinances

Jeremy Hartline stated the Abele home is located to the extreme west of the lot, so that the proposed pool house will be very difficult to locate 75 feet or more from the property lines. It needs to be located just west of the existing pool. Therefore a hardship exists. This is the only place to locate the desired pool house.

Melnick stated he feels this appeal meets the intent of the zoning, there are exceptional circumstances in this case due to the pre-existing location of the home on the lot, there is a hardship created here if the Abeles are not allowed to build the pool house improvement immediately west of the pool and there is an absence of detriment to the neighboring home, given the remaining 50 feet from the lot line. Spector agreed, saying the existing two story white principal structure already creating a visible backdrop to the pool house, being even more noticeable. Gellman mentioned the pool house would have been in conformance if it were built in 1980 when the pool was installed, being more than 20 feet from the side-yard lot line.

Murphy stated the new structure, if built as proposed, should have some kind of screening. Hartline stated for the record that Mrs. Abele has already installed some plantings and is planning more. She would be receptive to some year round fir trees to provide screening.

Motion by Gellman to encourage that landscape screening be installed after a courtesy consultation between Mr. Murphy and Mrs. Abele. No second was made to the motion.

Motion by Melnick/Gellman to approve a 50 foot set-back from the west property line for the proposed garages per the submittal. Motion carried unanimously.

4. ADJOURN Motion by Melnick/Plunkett to adjourn the meeting at 4:39 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.