Board of Review Meeting Minutes 08/24/16

1. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Chairman Dean Schultz at 9 pm.

2. Roll Call was answered by Dean Schultz, Paul Gordon, Nick Padway, Kathy Dickinson, and Tony Enea.

3. Approval of minutes from June 1, 2016 meeting, Motion by Dickenson/Enea to approve. Motion carried unanimously.

4. Verification of mandatory Board of Review training and proper notifications and postings: Chairman Schultz asked Clerk Lear if the training has been certified. Lear showed the Training Affidavit with a submission date of 7/24/16 for Dean Schultz.

5. Examination and acceptance of assessment roll, Clerk Lear reported the roll is not yet prepared and Assessor Marty Kuehn has asked to adjourn to a later date.

6. Appearance of objectors, none.

7. Adjourn meeting to later date: Motion by Enea/Dickinson to adjourn to next meeting to be held September 27, 2016 from 9 – 11 am. Motion carried unanimously.