1. Approval of minutes from the September 19, 2016 meeting.
2. Discussion/action of replacement of the roof at the Davidson residence, 7955 N
Pheasant Ln.
3. Discussion/action on installation of fence at the Alevizos residence, 1220 W River
4. Discussion/action on construction of tool shed at the Forrer residence, 9190 N
Upper River Rd.
5. Discussion/action on the exterior renovations at the Lueders Landscape and
Supplies Property, 1040 W Green Tree Rd. This is a return from September where
homeowners were to bring additional information pertaining to projects not noted in
initial application.
6. Discussion/action on the installation of a balcony at the Martinez residence, 9441
N Pheasant Ln. This is a return from March where the homeowner was to return
with information about the light fixture and elevation drawings.
7. Additional Comments from the public
8. Adjourn