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SECTION 7.1300 DEFINITIONS 7.1301 GENERAL DEFINITIONS For the purpose of this Ordinance, certain words or phrases shall have meanings that either vary somewhat from their customary dictionary meanings or are
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SECTION 7.1200 PUBLIC HEARINGS 7.1201 PURPOSE In order that the owners of property involved and other legitimately interested parties may have fair opportunity to be heard, adequate notice shall be
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SECTION 7.1100 CHANGES AND AMENDMENTS 7.1101 AUTHORITY Whenever the public necessity, convenience, general welfare, or good zoning practice require, the Village Board may, by Ordinance, change the district boundaries or
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SECTION 7.1000 BOARD OF APPEALS 7.1001 ESTABLISHMENT There is hereby established a Board of Appeals for the Village of River Hills for the purpose of hearing appeals and applications, and
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SECTION 7.0900 BUILDING BOARD 7.0901 ESTABLISHMENT AND PURPOSE There is hereby established a Building Board for the Village of River Hills for the purpose of maintaining and preserving the character
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SECTION 7.0800 ADMINISTRATION 7.0801 PLAN COMMISSION. The Village Plan Commission shall have the duties of making reports and recommendations related to the planning and development of the Village. The Commission,
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SECTION 7.0700 NONCONFORMING USES, STRUCTURES AND LOTS 7.0701 EXISTING NONCONFORMING USES. The lawful nonconforming use of land or water; or a lawful nonconforming use in a conforming or nonconforming structure;
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SECTION 7.0600 SIGNS 7.0601 GENERAL It shall be unlawful to build, erect, and maintain, or permit to be built, erected and maintained upon any public or private lands within the
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SECTION 7.0500 EXCEPTIONS 7.0501 HEIGHT. The district height limitations stipulated elsewhere in this Ordinance may be exceeded, but such modification shall be in accord with the following: A. Essential Services,
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SECTION 7.0400 TRAFFIC AND STREET ACCESS 7.0401 TRAFFIC VISIBILITY A. No obstructions, such as structures, parking, or vegetation, shall be permitted in any district between the heights of 2 and
More infoCommittee on the Environment Agenda 08/15/17
CALL TO ORDER: Roll Call: Review of June notes/(?) minutes: OLD BUSINESS: Sub-Committee report on 2.40 delivery to BOT (Jodi & John x2) Monarch Butterfly Habitat Restoration Progress (Peter) 2017
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